Top 6 advantages of knownorigin nft and how are they different

Top 6 Advantages Of KnownOrigin NFT And How are They Different

Last Updated: April 12, 2023By

Right now, NFTs are the key highlights in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries. Many brand-new NFT marketplaces have risen to prominence as leading choices for consumers interested in blockchain applications over the years. Have you heard about KnownOrigin NFT and the advantages it offers NFT users? In contrast to other NFTs, like music or in-game collectables, this NFT marketplace is solely dedicated to digital art. One of the first NFT markets in the industry, KnowOrigin, or KO, was created in 2018 with the help of James Morgan, Andy Gray, and David Moore.

Significant turning points in the history of KO NFT Marketplace include alliances with leading nft businesses, including Adobe, Adidas, and Netflix. The acquisition of the KnownOrigin NFT marketplace by eBay, which is the most significant development, has increased interest in the core ideas of KnownOrigin. The post that follows provides an overview of the KO NFT market, its benefits, and key technical ideas.

Principles of KnownOrigin NFT

Non-fungible tokens from KnownOrigin service, an NFT marketplace, are the first thing you need to be aware of. It is interesting to note that it is one of the first markets for non-fungible tokens. The platform’s emphasis on digital art sales is one of the key features of the KnownOrigin marketplace.

Tokens and editions of an artist’s work might be produced, and the artist could designate partners in the artwork for a payment split. The facility for listing tokens on the platform with numerous auction types would also be mentioned in the basics of KnownOrigin NFT explained for novices. Additionally, NFT developers had a variety of pricing options and selling conditions to select from.

The KnownOrigin marketplace strongly emphasises digital art, which guarantees the inclusion of functional elements for assisting artists and developing talent. On the marketplace, for instance, artists can construct their profiles, which can include a portfolio and information about their work. Additionally, the KnownOrigin NFT marketplace has capabilities for trending and highlighting artists in drop events and other options for promoting artists.

KnownOrigin NFT Marketplace in operation

The fundamentals of KnownOrigin also pique interest in questions like “What blockchain does KnownOrigin use?” and specifics of how it functions. Using photos, videos, and GIFs, the universal mixed-media platform can produce NFT artwork. The partnership with chosen artists who produce unusual digital art is another significant aspect of KnownOrigin’s operations. KnownOrigin uses the NFT contract standard ERC-721 to enable direct on-chain minting on the Ethereum blockchain.

Additionally, a thorough explanation of how KnownOrigin NFT functions would highlight the capability to find, acquire and invest in rare digital artwork. Along with other crucial characteristics, artists and collectors can use the primary bespoke marketplace and the secondary market. On the KnownOrigin platform, listing fees for artists are around 15% of the initial sale and 2.5% of subsequent sales. Interestingly, 12.5% of secondary sales are given back to original artists through KnownOrigin in the form of royalties.

Editions are mentioned in the explanation of how KnownOrigin functions. The minting-on-demand method is used to create editions, which are collections of a certain amount of tokens. Therefore, it is not necessary to immediately create all of the tokens in the KnownOrigin NFT edition.

The main benefit of editions in KnownOrigin focuses on gas cost savings. After an edition was produced, the number of tokens in it could not be increased by creators. To regulate the price, creators might lower the edition supply by burning unsold tokens. Even though each NFT in a KnownOrigin edition has a different ERC-721 token ID, they all have the same metadata.

Metadata Retention

Metadata and its storage would be another key aspect in the operation of the KnownOrigin Non-fungible Tokens marketplace. The metadata of NFTs, which describes specific non-fungible token requirements, is a crucial component of the NFT industry. Examples of typical metadata highlights for digital art include name, description, and qualities, including format, rarity, asset type, and year of production.

Edition size, author name, token sale type, and sale state are a few more noteworthy categories of metadata for a KnownOrigin token that are recorded on-chain. The KnownOrigin marketplace incorporates additional fields as needed while adhering to the OpenSea criteria for metadata description.

Age can affect the size of the metadata linked to a non-fungible token created on KnownOrigin. The same is true for metadata fields, which have changed over time to accommodate additional attributes. However, you need to be aware of how the protocol stores the metadata for a KnownOrigin NFT example.

Interplanetary File System, or IPFS, is used by KnownOrigin to store metadata and NFT-related media. IPFS provides a peer-to-peer network for data storage and sharing in distributed file systems. Additionally, it provides capabilities like IPFS hashes, sometimes called Content Identifiers. As a result, data uploaded to the network encourages the creation of a distinctive fingerprint, effectively mapping to on-chain references.

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Subgraph Use in KnownOrigin

The discussion of KnownOrigin would also draw attention to Subgraph’s application in the NFT industry. A data availability layer is provided by the TheGraph network to improve the user and developer experience on KnownOrigin. The Subgraph data availability layer is used by KO NFT marketplace to streamline abstractions for platform complexity. It also makes clearer the specifics of many iterations of each KnownOrigin token developed and deployed on the platform. Edition, token, information, collector, and artist are some of the core domain items that Subgraph abstracts.

Auction Types on the KnownOrigin Marketplace

The technical aspects of KnownOrigin’s operation place an emphasis on the structure’s adaptability to NFTs. Auctions are a crucial component of the marketplace because KnownOrigin focuses exclusively on digital art. A variety of models are available for artists to auction off their creations. Creators have the option to offer their non-fungible KnownOrigin tokens up for auction through buy-now, 24-hour reserve, bidding, and stepped sale listings.

  • With buy-now options, there is less of an auction and the first purchaser to purchase the token at the predetermined price gains ownership.
  • With bidding, you can conduct a traditional auction in which the NFT is awarded to the highest bidder.
  • For single editions, if a bid matches the reserve price or surpasses a superior offer, the 24-hour reserve auction is used. The 24-hour reserve auction’s time constraint fosters aggressive NFT bidding, guaranteeing the greatest fee for sellers.
  • Stepped sales, which reward early purchasers and raise prices following the sale of each edition in a series, are a favoured option for new NFT volumes.

How Do You Utilize the KnownOrigin NFT?

You must have been inspired to learn how to utilise the market because of the clarity in the answers to the question “What blockchain does KnownOrigin use?” and how it operates? Whether you are a customer or an artist, you can choose from various possibilities. Let’s examine how both types of users can benefit from KnownOrigin’s non-fungible token marketplace features.


Artists Users who want to sign up for the KnownOrigin platform must finish the marketplace application process. Artists are required to provide a portfolio that lists all of their prior work. Additionally, artists can only sign up for the KnownOrigin NFT platform after making a compelling case for how they will contribute to the KnownOrigin community. The KnownOrigin marketplace has a thorough verification and approval process in place and accepts weekly batches of new artists.

Buyers can access the KnownOrigin NFT marketplace by linking their wallets to the system, just as other NFT markets built on the Ethereum blockchain. The wallet accepts ETH for the purchase of priceless digital art. Additionally, customers can acquire NFTs from KnownOrigin using associated credit or debit cards. Buyers have the option to directly acquire NFTs or hold auctions on the platform, depending on the type of NFT sale.

The benefits of KnownOrigin

The KnownOrigin NFT basics described how it functions as a special NFT marketplace for digital art. The popularity of KnownOrigin can be attributed in part to the way that creative demands are given top priority. Along with its community of artists, the NFT marketplace continually works to create a platform that recognises achievement in the field of digital art. Here is a list of the apparent advantages for artists using KnownOrigin.

Smart Contracts That Are Economical

Cost-effective smart contracts are one of the key features of the KnownOrigin token market. The NFT marketplace guarantees effective use of petrol fees and credit card interoperability with smart contracts. As a result, the platform presents simpler and more affordable ways to develop into successful NFT artists. Smart contracts suggest simpler NFT sales transactions because they operate automatically when predefined conditions are met. Creators might concentrate on their creativity while letting smart contracts handle the details without the need for outside parties.

Standards for Creators’ Royalties

Another obvious advantage of the NFT market is the novel royalty rules of KnownOrigin. There are various ways for creators to distribute their income to one to five partners. Atypical, declining, upgradeable, dynamic, controlled, and stepwise approaches are typical royalty models for a KnownOrigin NFT example. The unusual royalties consist of a predetermined portion of all secondary sales royalties given to artists.

Decreasing royalties would become less frequent when the NFT’s ownership changed. Dynamic royalties fluctuate based on the period or volume of sales. Owners can change the terms and proportion of an upgradeable royalty to suit their desires. Governed royalty strategies use DAOs that set and control the royalties. If there were tiered royalties, the price of the NFT transaction would determine how much the royalty would be.

Easy-to-use artist tools

The availability of modern artist tools is another standout benefit of the KnownOrigin NFT platform for artists. The artist tools provide you more freedom to create NFT artwork that is web3-ready. Most importantly, authors do not need to understand complex smart contract programming principles in order to access the features of the KnownOrigin marketplace.


The addition of utility and value to the NFT artwork is the next key component in the KnownOrigin NFT market. On the KnownOrigin platform, composable non-fungible tokens enable producers to incorporate additional digital assets into their NFT works. Brendan Dawes’ The Composable illustrates how composable NFTs can drive usefulness in NFT art with the KnownOrigin NFT example. 100 WHALE tokens were included with the Composable NFT artwork, which increased the NFT’s worth. To increase involvement with collectors, artists can also incorporate their own social tokens into priceless NFT pieces.

Unusual Sales Methods

On the KnownOrigin marketplace, the 24-hour reserve auction and stepped sales modes provide unique opportunities for creators to get the best price for their work. With the sale of each piece of art, stepped sales can offer a step-wise increase in the price of NFTs in an edition. On the other hand, 24-hour reserve auctions may be able to assist artists in getting the highest price that consumers are prepared to pay for a particular NFT.

Sales with early access

Early access sales are another benefit of the KnownOrigin non-fungible tokens marketplace. On the KnownOrigin platform, creators could not only sell their works of art but also gain access to the resources they needed to advance their long-term careers as NFT artists. By offering cutting-edge collector rewards tools, KnownOrigin broadens the potential for growing a devoted fan base.

Creators can choose specific wallet addresses for early access to their collections thanks to the early access sales on KnownOrigin. Different methods are available for creators to choose wallet addresses for early access sales. A selection of all KnownOrigin Collectors or a selection of Collectors in a particular edition are two options for choosing wallet addresses. Additionally, creators can choose all Proof of Attendance protocol users or upload a CSV file with their chosen digital wallets.

Last Words

The KnownOrigin NFT marketplace creates the sense that it will become a significant player in the web3 scene. With a growing community, KnownOrigin is a dedicated NFT marketplace for rare digital artwork. Additionally, the promise of decentralised metadata storage, various auction formats, and support for ERC-721 token standards guarantee that creators will benefit from potential value advantages.

One of the most prominent benefits of KnownOrigin is the addition of stepped sales and 24-hour reserve auctions together with cost-effective smart contracts. The potential of KnownOrigin for NFTs is simultaneously validated by various royalty models and opportunities for compensating partners. Start generating valuable digital artwork by learning more about the technical aspects of using the KnownOrigin marketplace.

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About the Author: Diana Ambolis
