In a groundbreaking revelation on July 3, the Aptos blockchain announced the debut of its web-hosted keyless wallet application, dubbed “Aptos Connect,” which leverages Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs for identity verification. This innovative wallet enables users to engage with decentralized applications via a Google login, eliminating the need for hardware security modules, passkeys, or a multiparty computation network.
Aptos Connect revolutionizes Web3 onboarding by permitting users to effortlessly create and manage Aptos blockchain accounts with a single click using their Google login. This eradicates the necessity for private keys and ensures a seamless user experience within the developer’s application. It accomplishes this by employing the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard alongside ZK proofs to associate social logins with blockchain accounts.
While integrating Google or Apple IDs for cryptocurrency logins isn’t a novel concept—various wallet protocols like Magic Labs’ “Magic Links,” Web3 Auth, and Coinbase’s Smart Wallet already utilize this approach—Aptos Connect distinguishes itself by offering the same convenience without requiring users to click an email link, enter a passkey, or depend on a multi-party computation network.
Users simply press the “Continue with Google” button and select their Google Account to access their wallet. Aptos has announced that Apple ID integration is forthcoming, providing an alternative for users who prefer not to use Google.
The development of this application was facilitated by Aptos Improvement Protocol 61 (AIP-61), which enables transaction authorization via the JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) employed by Google, Facebook, Apple, and other login providers.
Read more: Introducing ZKsync 3.0: A Revolutionary ‘Elastic Chain’ to Rival Polygon’s AggLayer
ZK proofs obscure the identity of both the user and the login provider, preventing blockchain data from exposing the Google ID linked to a specific Aptos account.
Aptos posits that this new wallet could usher in a new generation of crypto enthusiasts:
“By leveraging familiar web2 login flows, Aptos Connect simplifies the onboarding process for a new generation of users into the blockchain realm, requiring just one click and no private keys.”
However, Aptos Connect relies exclusively on the security of the user’s Google account to safeguard funds. Consequently, the documentation cautions that if a user’s Google account is compromised, their cryptocurrency could be at risk: “If the OIDC account (e.g., Google) is breached, all keyless accounts associated with that user’s OIDC account will be susceptible.”